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Friday, December 14, 2012

12 Simple Tips To Improve Your Lifestyle on a Budget

Here are twelve simple tips to help you improve your lifestyle on a budget;

Budget plan that matches your lifestyle:

Primarily set a budget. This is vital as this helps you to sketch out your plans. By budgeting you are organising yourself and this helps you a lot. Plan your budget carefully as your finances are very important. Try to take help if you are unable to come up with one and ensure that the budget is realistic.

This is a part of your lifestyle therefore concentrate on this aspect. Try to include healthy diet which you like such as your favourite fruits or vegetables. Do not stop eating fat substances all together rather take them in small quantities as this helps you to maintain the balance. You diet plays an important role so if you plan to change your lifestyle remember to add new habits.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Our fear of success

Our fear of success


This is one of our greatest and largely unconscious fears. Most people do not apply what they learn. The cause of our resistance to success is both biological (internal) and sociological (external). The “voice” of our unconscious brain is much stronger than our conscious brain. We need to align our conscious goals and desires with our unconscious habits, attitudes and beliefs.

The solution begins with a clear, passionate Vision. This is essential to creating the motivation and action necessary to break through our “glass ceiling” of success. By examining our results we can tell if our unconscious mind is holding us back from better results.

A paradigm is an internal control system our brain creates to maintain a desired course of action. It is strongly related to our self image. Our present paradigm, or belief system, is getting us our current results. Any improvement in performance is only temporary unless we alter our paradigm. This requires the development of new habits and a deeper awareness.

Warm regards, Phil

Friday, September 21, 2012

Identifying The Change Champions

Identifying The Change Champions

Your organization’s change “champions” need to be identified nurtured and supported.

The Law of Diffusion of Innovation states when approximately 20% of employees get involved in the organizational change a tipping point is reached and the Fence Sitters begin to join in the change movement.

As more and more people begin to embrace the changes it becomes “safe” (less risky) for this second group of Fence Sitters (approximately 60%) to join in the change movement.

We also need to be aware of the negative energy and communications that a third group of employees (approximately 20%) will encourage. These individuals will find it hardest to embrace the changes and may ultimately end up leaving the organization. It's tempting to spend your time trying to extinguish bad behaviors within this group but spreading the word about the “champions” will ultimately change the culture.

Culture always wins. Refuse to fill your organization with victims.

Warm regards,

Keys to Authentic, Emotionally Intelligent Choices


What you are about to read is the wisdom that you and your parents (and their parents…) have been searching for your whole life.  It has been referred to occasionally throughout history and proven over and over again to guarantee better business and personal results.  These results are independent of your age, sex, culture, geography, political beliefs or economic status.

Are you ready?

Here it is …

Whenever you make an authentic, emotionally intelligent choice whatever happens next is always a good thing. When you do not whatever happens next is not a good thing.  As easy as this sounds, it isn’t.  The ability to choose is your greatest gift and power.  It is your choices not chance that determines your results.

Keys to Authentic, Emotionally Intelligent Choices:

1. Greater Awareness (Cognitive and Emotional)
2. Better Tools and Insights (Essential New Information/Solutions)
3. New Habits, Attitudes and Beliefs (VERY Difficult)

We make choices 86,400 times each day and the results we achieve reflect those choices. Most of our choices are unconscious, hence the need for greater awareness. Every time we act or react a choice is being made and we are the ones who are making it.

Warm regards,
Phil Johnson, MBL Founder

The New Economic Currency is currently ranked #3 worldwide on Kindle’s Top 100 Free List

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Open World

The Open World

The world is transforming at a rapid rate into one that is far more open and transparent.

1. We are collaborating globally to turn social media into social production at the speed of light.
2. Institutions and companies are becoming naked and transparent.  The need for and lack of authenticity and emotional intelligence has never been more apparent.   Without it you will be unable to build trust in this new global world.
3. Sharing assets can create new ways to innovate producing synergistic results.
4. Individual empowerment is decentralizing its use and bringing freedom.

The internet has enabled us to become global producers.  This rapid rate of change is also creating a power vacuum that needs to be filled with a network of authentic leadership and emotional intelligence … Yours.

Warm regards,
Phil Johnson, MBL Founder

Friday, June 15, 2012

“Cash 4 Gold”

 “Cash 4 Gold”

We see these signs everywhere.

What is more gold or money?  Who wouldn’t like more cash or more gold?  The problem is that cash and gold have absolutely no intrinsic value … none.  One is a piece of paper and the other is a rock.  We seem to be chasing something that is literally worthless.

Let’s change our focus to the real source of our wealth and ATTRACT more gold and money.  Money is simply a way of moving wealth around. The disadvantage of looking at money and gold as wealth is it obscures what business really means.  When we stress over money or revenue we are stressing over something that has no real value.  People think that what a business does is make money.  But money is just the intermediate stage, an indicator of what people want.  Your greatest wealth is your authenticity and emotional intelligence.

The signs we see should really say “Cash and Gold 4 Authenticity and Emotional Intelligence.”  Because that is The New (Real) Economic Currency.  It’s working for companies like Apple, Southwest Airlines, Whole Foods, Disney and a growing number of other organizations around the world.

How about you and your company?

Warm regards,
Phil Johnson, MBL Founder

MBL Publications on Amazon

Monday, June 11, 2012

Give Yourself and Your Organization a Brake

Give Yourself and Your Organization a Brake

Habit formation is the process by which new behaviours become automatic. This process is challenging and takes consistent effort. Old habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to form. That is because the behavioural patterns we repeat most often are literally etched into our neural pathways. The good news is that with support and repetition you can develop new default habits leading to the changes and results you want.

Master of Business Ledaership … join us

Warm regards,
Phil Johnson, MBL Founder

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Achieving Your Vision

Everyone talks about vision but few talk about achieving it.

I found this article very interesting culled from a friend, coach, father and Master of Business Leadership who has help many to realized and take charge of there life while achieving   their visions.

You can learn from Phil Johnson about your vision and how to bring about the realization of it all.

Vision is what you intend to achieve

1 – Your vision is your “Why”.  It is the source of your motivation to take action.  It is something you passionately want to achieve. It is not just an idea that matters to you. In my experience it is something most people need to admit.  Typically, it is something they do not speak about much.

2 – When articulating your Vision it is essential to let go of the “What” and the “How” to turn your reality filters off and just be honest about what really matters to you and your life.

3 – Vision only works when it adds value to all stake holders.  Everyone needs to first connect with their personal Vision.  Then the individual Visions need to be reflected in a collective Vision that inspires everyone to take action.  The greater the “Why” the easier the “What” and the “How”.

Now take advantage of this tips, take action and you are sure on the path to Excellence while achieving your realistic VISION.

Related books:

Friday, March 2, 2012

Break Free From Your Mold!

Everything in creation is movement. No stand still rigidity if you really desire true freedom.

When one yearns for freedom there should be ardent effort to achieve it. A lot of people who desire to be free from the fetters that hold them down often times come up up with endless excuses for not getting it right .

Many attribute their background and  environment as the key limitation to achieving greatness and excellence.

We are all in the same creation, we all breed the same air and blood flows in our body not water. Howbeit, when you choose to change your mind towards Greatness and Excellence with equal action to achieve it, failure naturally disown you.

Never allow your background to put your back on the ground
Never allow limitation to deter your aspiration
Never submit to wining and criticism when you can be winning and be decorated

Away from all forms of mold that hinders and deter movement, stagnation brings no progress, but retrogression.

In movement you'll find progress. Break away from your mold.

Animate the stagnant you that alone brings liberation and progress.

You are too great to be LIMITED... Excel without LIMITATION!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

S.T.A.R.T... winners first step

The smartest way to start a business is to S.T.A.R.T... this is one off the most asked question and answers you could get from consultants, entrepreneurs and inspirational speakers all over the world. 
The word is great and always prompt one to do something at least by taking that bold stride in accomplishing something great however how small others might regard it. However, it is not about what others would say but what you are willing  to achieve in your big picture.
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