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Submit Guest Post

Submission Guidelines

Original articles only. We will ensure that content has not been posted anywhere else (this includes your site).
  • The article you submit must be your own work. In other words it must not be copyrighted content.
  • I reserve the right to edit the content (misspellings, grammar, formatting etc.) as needed. You will be notified of any significant changes before publication.
  • A submission does not guarantee publication.
  • Articles should be related to one of the following topics: 

  1. Entrepreneurs
  2. Business Success Stories
  3. Motivation
  4. Leaderships 
  5. Inspiration/Humor
  6. Productivity
  7. Sllypreneur
  8. Lifestyle
  9. Relationships
  10. Social Media 


We will appreciate to see :
  1. Pragmatic tips that people can use and proof of how they work for you. 
  2. Are you using this Method ?
  3. How?
  4. What were the results? 
Readers love to see proof and evidence that your advice works.

I am looking for articles that are fresh, revealing, authentic, current, and are relevant to our audience

Please include the size of your readership: number of blog readers, Facebook friends or fans, and Twitter followers.

Be Original don't die a copy!
  1. Article must be between 350 and 900 words.
  2. Please submit your article by attaching it to an email.
  3. Please include a four sentence or less signature/bio statement. This will appear below your article when published.
If you have questions or need clarification about the kinds of articles I'm looking for, please feel free to contact me. That will save you from taking the time to write something I cannot or will not use.
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