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Friday, September 21, 2012

Identifying The Change Champions

Identifying The Change Champions

Your organization’s change “champions” need to be identified nurtured and supported.

The Law of Diffusion of Innovation states when approximately 20% of employees get involved in the organizational change a tipping point is reached and the Fence Sitters begin to join in the change movement.

As more and more people begin to embrace the changes it becomes “safe” (less risky) for this second group of Fence Sitters (approximately 60%) to join in the change movement.

We also need to be aware of the negative energy and communications that a third group of employees (approximately 20%) will encourage. These individuals will find it hardest to embrace the changes and may ultimately end up leaving the organization. It's tempting to spend your time trying to extinguish bad behaviors within this group but spreading the word about the “champions” will ultimately change the culture.

Culture always wins. Refuse to fill your organization with victims.

Warm regards,

Keys to Authentic, Emotionally Intelligent Choices


What you are about to read is the wisdom that you and your parents (and their parents…) have been searching for your whole life.  It has been referred to occasionally throughout history and proven over and over again to guarantee better business and personal results.  These results are independent of your age, sex, culture, geography, political beliefs or economic status.

Are you ready?

Here it is …

Whenever you make an authentic, emotionally intelligent choice whatever happens next is always a good thing. When you do not whatever happens next is not a good thing.  As easy as this sounds, it isn’t.  The ability to choose is your greatest gift and power.  It is your choices not chance that determines your results.

Keys to Authentic, Emotionally Intelligent Choices:

1. Greater Awareness (Cognitive and Emotional)
2. Better Tools and Insights (Essential New Information/Solutions)
3. New Habits, Attitudes and Beliefs (VERY Difficult)

We make choices 86,400 times each day and the results we achieve reflect those choices. Most of our choices are unconscious, hence the need for greater awareness. Every time we act or react a choice is being made and we are the ones who are making it.

Warm regards,
Phil Johnson, MBL Founder

The New Economic Currency is currently ranked #3 worldwide on Kindle’s Top 100 Free List

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