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Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Open World

The Open World

The world is transforming at a rapid rate into one that is far more open and transparent.

1. We are collaborating globally to turn social media into social production at the speed of light.
2. Institutions and companies are becoming naked and transparent.  The need for and lack of authenticity and emotional intelligence has never been more apparent.   Without it you will be unable to build trust in this new global world.
3. Sharing assets can create new ways to innovate producing synergistic results.
4. Individual empowerment is decentralizing its use and bringing freedom.

The internet has enabled us to become global producers.  This rapid rate of change is also creating a power vacuum that needs to be filled with a network of authentic leadership and emotional intelligence … Yours.

Warm regards,
Phil Johnson, MBL Founder

Friday, June 15, 2012

“Cash 4 Gold”

 “Cash 4 Gold”

We see these signs everywhere.

What is more gold or money?  Who wouldn’t like more cash or more gold?  The problem is that cash and gold have absolutely no intrinsic value … none.  One is a piece of paper and the other is a rock.  We seem to be chasing something that is literally worthless.

Let’s change our focus to the real source of our wealth and ATTRACT more gold and money.  Money is simply a way of moving wealth around. The disadvantage of looking at money and gold as wealth is it obscures what business really means.  When we stress over money or revenue we are stressing over something that has no real value.  People think that what a business does is make money.  But money is just the intermediate stage, an indicator of what people want.  Your greatest wealth is your authenticity and emotional intelligence.

The signs we see should really say “Cash and Gold 4 Authenticity and Emotional Intelligence.”  Because that is The New (Real) Economic Currency.  It’s working for companies like Apple, Southwest Airlines, Whole Foods, Disney and a growing number of other organizations around the world.

How about you and your company?

Warm regards,
Phil Johnson, MBL Founder

MBL Publications on Amazon

Monday, June 11, 2012

Give Yourself and Your Organization a Brake

Give Yourself and Your Organization a Brake

Habit formation is the process by which new behaviours become automatic. This process is challenging and takes consistent effort. Old habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to form. That is because the behavioural patterns we repeat most often are literally etched into our neural pathways. The good news is that with support and repetition you can develop new default habits leading to the changes and results you want.

Master of Business Ledaership … join us

Warm regards,
Phil Johnson, MBL Founder
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