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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Our fear of success

Our fear of success


This is one of our greatest and largely unconscious fears. Most people do not apply what they learn. The cause of our resistance to success is both biological (internal) and sociological (external). The “voice” of our unconscious brain is much stronger than our conscious brain. We need to align our conscious goals and desires with our unconscious habits, attitudes and beliefs.

The solution begins with a clear, passionate Vision. This is essential to creating the motivation and action necessary to break through our “glass ceiling” of success. By examining our results we can tell if our unconscious mind is holding us back from better results.

A paradigm is an internal control system our brain creates to maintain a desired course of action. It is strongly related to our self image. Our present paradigm, or belief system, is getting us our current results. Any improvement in performance is only temporary unless we alter our paradigm. This requires the development of new habits and a deeper awareness.

Warm regards, Phil

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