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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Achieving Your Vision

Everyone talks about vision but few talk about achieving it.

I found this article very interesting culled from a friend, coach, father and Master of Business Leadership who has help many to realized and take charge of there life while achieving   their visions.

You can learn from Phil Johnson about your vision and how to bring about the realization of it all.

Vision is what you intend to achieve

1 – Your vision is your “Why”.  It is the source of your motivation to take action.  It is something you passionately want to achieve. It is not just an idea that matters to you. In my experience it is something most people need to admit.  Typically, it is something they do not speak about much.

2 – When articulating your Vision it is essential to let go of the “What” and the “How” to turn your reality filters off and just be honest about what really matters to you and your life.

3 – Vision only works when it adds value to all stake holders.  Everyone needs to first connect with their personal Vision.  Then the individual Visions need to be reflected in a collective Vision that inspires everyone to take action.  The greater the “Why” the easier the “What” and the “How”.

Now take advantage of this tips, take action and you are sure on the path to Excellence while achieving your realistic VISION.

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1 comment:

  1. interesting tips. the what, why and how are always important.


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