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Monday, February 7, 2011

The Success Rules For Start Ups

Entrepreneurship is the art of finding profitable solutions to problems. Problem solving skills are the key to business success and business communication. - Brian Tracy

Business whether private or public must understand the rule of succeeding in the environment in which they operate. There are basic rules that will determine the success or failure of your kind of business.

The tools/rules of the game:

I understand you were so excited with the business idea that popped up like a bulb on your head and the desire to get started is what you are filled with.

To succeed in business there is need to understand the rules of your trade. I have no doubt that this piece would help you in achieving your desired goals.

By understanding the start up rules and the business language( communication) success will by any means evade you but become a sincere ally to you and your enterprise

Production: Good or Services

What do you intend to solve? Until you have something (tangible or intangible) that adds value no one will patronize you. Customers only identify with enterprise/ business that adds value to them at the exchange of price.

Now that you have a business idea it is important to get your offering right and make it available at the right quantity with excellent quality.

Classify your offering and determine who needs the your goods and services.

What are you solving:

There is need for you to make a list of what your offering intends and will solve as this will determine the acceptance of your product. So many start ups fail in business because they lack the experience and often time lose do not even understand what their focus should be directed towards.

Identify needs and offer worthwhile solutions. Do this and you are on the path to succeeding in business.

You will be amazed to see that that with careful study of your environment there would be countless of needs you can seek solution and solve.

Your ability to consistently spot and constantly provide cut through solutions you will indefinitely be in business. This require your relentless effort in finding and offering products of relative; quality, cheaper, faster and easy to get services.

Be obsessed with your people ( Customer)

Having identified problem(s) and seeking out solutions, there is need to seek the end users of this solutions. Your fortune lies in how many problem you solve for your people( I refer customers as people, friend, guest … how do you see you prospective customers?).

Seek them out and give them nothing but valued added service they can almost get from nowhere else if possible except from you if possible.

It is necessary that you research for better ways of knowing your customers and be in touch always with them. Customers' ability to remember you and to repeat business transaction with you constantly is valuable signal that customer excellence objective is being achieved.

Business Success and Excellence is possible for entrepreneur who is willing to find problems, find solutions, provide the solutions to the people who needs it at the right time and place. Not only that but consistently innovate without tolerating complacency in delivering a cut through solutions.

Let this be part of you and indeed you are already branding yourself for Success and Excellence in your choice of business.

P.S feel free to share this is free and I will also welcome and appreciate your comments.

1 comment:

  1. Believe in your business more than anybody else. you can overcome every single one of your personal shortcomings by the sheer passion you can bring to your work. I don't know if you're born with this kind of passion, or if you can learn it. But I do know you need it. If you love your work, you'll be out there every day trying to do it the best you possibly can, and pretty soon everybody around will catch the passion from you — like a fever.


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