The desire to succeed is always part of humanity. But only those with the desire mixed with the will power however become achievers.
We desire to win when we play our favorite games with our peers and I believe we always would want to take the lead in all we do isn't it? I know your answer is affirmative (positive).
But it is important to understand the fundamental in order to succeed and excel in business. You succeed in business not by chance but by knowing and understanding the path that will lead you there.
To find a place for what you will stand and be known it is paramount that clear and possibility path must be trodden with fear and ambiguity even when success disguise itself as failure.
This piece is not offering the countless quick fix for success but to provide you with the solid foundation on which your viable business could be laid. However, it may be regarded as a manual that could aid you in determining a distinct success and fulfillment path for yourself.
Before you begin your M.B.A ( since all are getting this degree, you will find SIB guide handy on your way to success and fulfillment) equivalent program, you will need to assess yourself on what kind of business personality you possess and willing to bring into your business.
Understand there are countless assessment that you can take – and some business assessment firms will charge you up to USD2000 on such subject. But this quiz is the best and fastest I know. Though some of the questions may appear ridiculous , please bear with it.
1. You view business typically as:
(a) Invigorating (b) Character building (c) Passing the time (d) Let-down
2. You vision making money as:
(a) The beginning of evil (b) Fate/ destiny (c) To keep score (d) An aphrodisiac
3. In choosing your business or company, what are the factors important to you:
(a) The beginning of evil (b) Fate/ destiny (c) To keep score (d) An aphrodisiac
4. Which business giant personality do you find most compelling?
(a) Bill Gate (b) Sir Richard Branson (c) J.D Rockefeller (d) Aliko Dangote
5. What is your ideal great time
(a) A late night at the office (b) preparing lengthy business report (c) Digesting top business newsletters (d) none of the above
6. Your fantasy during recharging moment:
(a) To drop out of business (b) Business growth (c) Buying a major business franchise (d) Get drunk
7. Word association: What strikes you when you hear the word security
(a) Dive for cover (b) Police lock (c) Blue ocean (d) 153/4 percent Microsoft dividend due
8. What task makes you uncomfortable:
(a) downsizing (b) Asking for the big raise (c) Justifying the new purchase (d) shaking down your biz for the United way
9. Your don’t plan to retire until:
(a) You’ve hit a Billion (b) become fully vested (c) you lose your position to latest IT gurus (d) you are taken over by your favorite game (e) until the music stops
10. Financial freedom philosophy
(a) A penny saved is a penny earn (b) It’s time to prepare for MELTDOWN (c) change the channel when it’s about stocks (d) by gold when the fat men from Texas do
11. Word association: What strikes you when you hear the word Prison?
(a) the prison break protagonist (b) Your business (c) Digesting top business newsletters (d) none of the above
12. Your fantasy during recharging moment:
(a)To drop out of business (b) Business growth (c) Buying a major business franchise (d) Get drunk
13. Your first quid was earned:
(a) Getting straight A’s (b) Founding your own Business (c) shoveling, cutting and selling papers (d) selling papers & rolling papers
14. Your average lunch break consist of :
(a) downsizing (b) a brisk walk and a cup of yogurt (c) Justifying the new purchase (d) shaking down your biz for the United way
15. How do you see your overall salary
(a) insignificant (b) stratospheric (c) (d) Embarrassing (d) look, if money mattered to you, you would have gone into ICT
16. Which of the following trait do you think is critical to business success:
(a) A good sense of humour (b) finely tuned analytical mind (c) ability to get along with people (d) innate ability to inherit wealth (e) An M.B.A
Congratulations! Thank you for taking this quiz.
Now that you have taken the above assessment test please feel free to send your quiz answers to for your result. I promise to send your result within 48 hours once received.
This will assist you in starting your own business or better yet stick with your paid employment till you are ready to succeed in business/ career. ( Always remember that our focus on EIY* is your business success and fulfillment.
*EIY - Enterprise In You ...
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