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Friday, November 18, 2011

Own Your Business

Recently, an acquaintance I met on the internet proposed to me to review a business plan and later to be part of the business by providing the necessary funds for expansion and always get ROI ( Return On Investment) of $100 dollars monthly. 

Wow! isn't it fantastic?

The business plan happens to be an existing poultry firm which I knew nothing about and promised to manage the business since he has a poultry with over 250 birds and harvest  9 crates of egg per day.

Well, the idea sounds great and tempting, but really is this advisable? 

Well I understand that in business one need to take risk and that the higher the risk the higher the profit, well so much for the principle. 

As much as I wanted to invest in the business I found out that within I was compelled to answer the following question which you may also consider if you are reading:
  • What do I know about the business?
  • Can I manage the business myself ?
  • Can I manage the Risk ?
  • Can I forfeit the fund invested without any psychological trauma ?
  • Can you trust the would be partner?
  • Can...
I could go on and on but the main issue is this: 

It is a fantastic idea to invest in business especially when it doesn't require your presence which invariably would afford you opportunities to concentrate on other issues.

As much as interesting to know that its all about risk, one still need to take a calculative risk if you really don't want to go bankrupt soon.

Here is the point if you are not satisfy with a business risk, when you doubt the partner, and cannot handle the psychological trauma of business failure and more ... don't even bother to go into business let alone partnering with someone you barely know with a questionable character and integrity.

Own a business of your own which you could comfortably manage or invest in others as long as you are psychically balance to manage all turbulence and success of such venture. 

1 comment:

  1. As you said profit making is about risk taking but it has to be a calculated that you wont lose your hard earn money, thanks for an informative post


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